Obesity in Puerto Rico is a serious situation. Today more than half of the population in Puerto Rico are obese or overweight.This is alarmed as the figures indicate that obesity increases each year if people do not realize the great risk of this for your health. Obesity, which many do not know is that it increases the risk of other diseases in Puerto Rico are the main causes of death. Some of these diseases are:
➜Hypertension ➜Heart Disease
➜Diabetes ➜Cancer
Given this situation the senators Angel "Chayanne" Martinez and Lorena Soto Villanueva Santiago filedSenate Bill 1181 "Food Protection Act for patients undergoing weight loss" which proposes food protection for patients undergoing weight loss, and set a public policy that anyone subjected to bariatric surgery will providemeals prepared in accordance the medically recommended caloric requirement. When a person agrees to be a bariatric or any other type of operation to lower.
If you want to learn more about this measure that was passed in 2007 can access this website:
They invite you to go to other seminars where there are other people who have the same disease of obesity, which support each other while learning and then have a better health for their own welfare.
The Department of Health statistics on obesity in Puerto Rico there are these:
- 38.3% of adults are overweight. - 26.6% of adults are obese.
• Between 1996 and 2007 shows an increase in the prevalence of 20.2%.
• In 2007, the health regions with the highest prevalence of overweight and obesitywere Ponce and Bayamon.
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Puerto Rico in 2007 ★THOUGHT★
There any reason so that our bodies are still suffer if we have a lot of life to live...
by . Elizabeth Morales
There any reason so that our bodies are still suffer if we have a lot of life to live...